Ultrasound is a medical technique that allows the exploration of the human body according to a process close to that of the radar, using ultrasound.
So far, numerous scientific works have been focussed on this subject and no ill effect may have been attributed to the use of ultrasound for medical diagnosis.
To perform this exam, the emitting-receiving sensor is slided on to the skin of your womb after spreading a gel meant to facilitate the passage of ultrasound.
In certain circumstances, it is interesting to use an adapted sensor that is set on the vagina in order to be nearer to the structures studied.
In this last case, the sensor in wrapped in a single-use condom.
This medical exam requires from the operator a maximum of concentration and vigilance because he must check the detailed anatomy and the body’s environment.
A report of the exam will be given to you together with the corresponding pictures.
The exam during the pregnancy contains four parts whose relative importance varies according to the terms.
- assessment of the vitality ( cardiac activity, movements)
- biometric survey by the measurement of certain determined areas so as to precise the beginning of pregnancy ( if the exam is early) and to monitor the growth.
Morphologic analysis by observing certain defined fetal structures (organs or parts of organs), known for their utility in the detection of frequent and /or severe pathologies.
- Observation of the fetus environment (amniotic fluid, placenta, Doppler …)
- The union of all these elements constitute a health record of your child, unattainable through all other method, which informs on its present state but also on certain risks of pathologies that can appear later during the pregnancy or even after delivery.
Several malformations can also be detected and the constant improvement of the equipment and of the scientific knowledge regularly increases the diagnosis performances.